What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a method created by Dolores Cannon that combines hypnosis with past life regression to help people explore their subconscious mind and promote healing. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:


  1. Induction: The person undergoing QHHT is guided into a hypnotic state through relaxation. This relaxation allows the recipient to float into a very calm, peaceful state known as a hypnotic trance

  2. Regression: Once in the hypnotic trance, the practitioner guides the recipient to explore memories and experiences from their past life/lives and, sometimes, from their current lives. Past life regression is the process of recalling and experiencing events and emotions from previous lifetimes that might be influencing their present life.

  3. Exploration: During the session, the person may uncover insights, answers to personal questions, or unresolved issues that have carried over from past lives. This exploration can provide a deeper understanding of oneself and the challenges one faces in this lifetime.

  4. Healing: Through this process, individuals may experience emotional or physical healing as they gain clarity and release emotional blockages or traumas that are affecting their well-being.

QHHT is believed to work by accessing the subconscious mind, where memories from past lives and deep-rooted beliefs are stored. By exploring these memories and experiences, people can gain profound insights and achieve healing on multiple levels. It’s a gentle and introspective technique that helps individuals connect with their inner wisdom and promote personal growth and healing.

What to Expect when preparing for your session…

Everything that happens during the session is at your direction. You are in control. I will go over your objectives for the session and I will follow your wishes during the session to obtain the information you want to know. I will ask the questions you want to ask your higher self.  So, feel free to prepare a list of questions if you wish. 

Everything we do is done within your free will.  I cannot ask you to do something that goes against your free will, because even when under hypnosis, your mind will reject anything that does not align with your free will.  So be assured that nothing will be put in your mind that is not in agreement with your free will.

Because you are on a planet where free will is a universal law, your higher self cannot heal you without your conscious mind giving it permission.  You must want any healing that you need, and you must willingly accept that healing.  Your higher self will communicate with your conscious mind in the background while we are having the session to seek permission.

You may recognize someone in a past life that is present in your current life. Souls tend to travel together through time. So, I may ask you during the session if you recognize anyone.  I may ask you while you are in trance if you recognize anyone, but you are free to tell me at any time if you recognize someone.

You have a spiritual body and a physical body.  It is important to not carry resentment in your spiritual body as this will have a negative impact on your physical body.  You designed your life lessons before you came to earth. You were the one who picked the characters to be in your life so they could help you learn a lesson or lessons.  If you are holding resentment for someone or some event(s) try to look at the event(s) or person(s) objectively, from a higher perspective and see what lesson(s) you learned from them or the event(s).  Once you can see the lesson, you can release the resentment.  You will be able to ask your higher self to help you release any negativity you are holding onto during the session if you wish.

There are two ways you can experience your past life(s) while you are hypnotized.  One way is as the person experiencing their life, as looking through their eyes, where you can feel their feelings and know every detail of their life.  The other way is as an observer.  As an observer, you can see yourself, watch yourself as you go through your past life.  And you can switch back and forth between experiencer and observer as we traverse through your past life(s).  You are in control of the process.  I will reiterate this during the session if you say anything to indicate something you are seeing or experiencing bothers you in any way.

When I hypnotize you, you will go into a trance.  After we explore your past life, I will ask you to open a channel to your higher self by asking for permission to speak with your higher self.  When this happens, you will become the receiver and the translator.  This is you channeling your own higher self.  Your higher self will begin to communicate through you.  It is easy to doubt this is your higher self speaking, because it will sound like you, because it is you, but it will be a higher version of you doing the speaking.  Do not doubt it, just allow it to come through.  Give your conscious mind permission to just listen without judgement.

Once you open the channel to your higher self, we will ask your questions and address any health concerns that may be known or unknown.  Your higher self may advise you and will answer any questions it is able to answer.  Remember, that you still have free will and your higher self cannot predict some things because you have the divine right to choose your future on this planet. 

The session will last between 4 to 6 hours so wear comfy clothes.  You may want to have a light meal before and after the session or bring a snack for the trip home.  Try to limit your caffeine so you will be able to relax.

The session is only for you, and you alone.  No one else can attend the session. This allows the focus to be on you and the energy in the room to work at its best.

Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask of your higher self for your session.  Try to group them in categories if possible, things like career, health and family, if possible, not necessary however.  

Reach out when you are ready to explore a past life.

Jill Travieso - 813-408-0094